
June 12, 2022


10:30 am

Hanna Zack Miley was born in the German city of Bonn just 11 months before Hitler seized power. In 1939, her parents found the opportunity to get Hanna onto a train to England, but Marcus and Amalie Zack would not make it to safety. Around the world, Hanna shares her story and testifies about the transforming power of G-d and forgiveness even in the most painful circumstances.

The BHS Sisterhood invites our kehillah to a potluck brunch and live Zoom meeting with Hanna Miley. (A link to the Zoom meeting will not be available; this is for in-person attendees only.) Bring your family on Sunday, June 12, 10:30am – 1:00pm to hear Hanna’s inspiring message. She will be available to answer some questions at the end of the meeting.

Registration is not required to attend, but if you plan to bring a food item to the brunch to share, please register below and let us know the dish you plan to bring.* The Sisterhood will be providing bagels, cream cheese and drinks.

*Please make sure any food item you bring is ready to serve and is Biblically kosher.

  • The Commercial Kitchen is not available to prepare or warm up food for potluck events.
  • See Leviticus 11 for a description of kosher vs. non-kosher foods. Common non-kosher foods include (but are not limited to): catfish, gelatin/marshmallows, pork (bacon/ham), shellfish (crab/lobster/shrimp), etc.