Adult Shabbat Morning

Every Shabbat morning during the Fall/Spring semester, we provide classes for adults to help equip and encourage spiritual growth.

Fall 2024 Adult Classes:

9:30-10:20am Shabbat Mornings
August 17 – December 21*
*except October 5, 12, & November 30

New Members Class – Chaverah Hall

Are you interested in joining Baruch HaShem? Our 15-week New Members Class will provide the history of our congregation as well as background information into Messianic Judaism. The class includes a mandatory “Vision Class” that will be held Sunday, September 8. The New Members class requires registration here.


Jewish History and Culture 1 – Samech Room

This is a video course taught by Messianic Rabbi Jamie Cowen.

This course examines how G-d is involved throughout all of human history even up to the present day. The Jews will be examined as a people group, focusing on their distinctive attributes as a people called by God to be unique among all the nations of the earth. The course will also present an overview of Jewish history, revolt, exile and return to the land. The relationship of the various Jewish sects – the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots and Nazarenes – will be presented, along with an explanation of the historical formation of Rabbinic Judaism. The Talmud, Mishnah and Gemara will be discussed and an example from Bava Metzia will be analyzed. Additionally, the roots of anti-Semitism will be explored with a focus on the rise of Christianity and its split with Messianic Judaism.

In addition to our weekly classes for adults, we also have our Shabbat morning Children’s Classes, Bagel Nosh and Prayer.

Wednesday Night Live

Learn more about how you can learn and grow during the week.

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Learn more about our Yeshiva courses.

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