Everyone is invited to unite with us to rebuild a community wall of righteousness, a wall that is built on our relationship with Yeshua.
For more than a year now, we have experienced a great deal of turmoil in the world.
But G-D.
But holy and merciful G-D has never forsaken us. Every morning, we experience new mercies from Him because we continue to trust in His Salvation. It is a trust that also produces righteousness.
Join us in humbly praying for the breaches in the wall of righteousness to be repaired.
Now through September 2, we will be meeting in the Prayer Room from 6:00pm-7:00pm each weekday evening and from 4:00pm-5:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays. I want to encourage you to join us, especially on the day we read your birth Torah portion. If you desire to discover your Torah portion, please watch the YouTube video, Discovering Your Birth Torah Portion.
Each day we will enter the prayer time with praise and thanksgiving before reading a specific Parasha for the day (readings will be from the Complete Jewish Bible) and then closing with a time of corporate prayer. Let’s focus on what is pleasing to the L-RD – His righteousness, and together renew our identity as children of light.