
May 16, 2021


6:00 pm

Gathered together…the sound of a violent wind…hold steady…flames of fire…hold steady…

Whether it was the Israelites standing at the foot of Mount Sinai, or the believers gathered in the Upper Room, it was an intense experience that required them to hold steady. Being in ADONAI’s presence should be intense, requiring us to hold steady. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God. I am exalted among the nations. I am exalted in the earth.” Shavuot is a time to gather together while we exalt Him, study His Word, and worship Him in truth and love.

Join us on Sunday, May 16, as we begin Shavuot together. We will have worship, teaching and fellowship from 6:00pm-8:00pm.

Then we will gather again on Monday, May 17, from 6:00am-8:00am to continue celebrating Shavuot with small discussion groups led by Marcus Raven and Daniel Valle.

This year, Shavuot will not be an all-night event at BHS. Instead, on Sunday night plan to meet with small groups of your family and friends to study the Word together. Then invite your group to join us for coffee and Shavuot-related discussions at BHS the next morning. This year, from the beginning to the end of Shavuot, let’s hold steady and draw even closer to G-D.



6:00pm        Worship

6:30pm        Teaching by Erez Sasson from a special location in Israel

7:00pm        Discussion time with light nosh – the Coffee Shop will be open for donations only

8:00pm        Adjourn to your home for study


6:00 am        Small discussions with Marcus Raven and Daniel Valle

Entry will be through the glass doors by the mikveh.
Temperature checks and wristbands will be required.